How to...

...view Antechinus-made Web pages in different browsers

By default, View in Browser opens your Web pages in the default Web browser. See how to add other browsers to the Tools menu and and configure them.

...combine Antechinus with visual Web editing tools

In addition to Antechinus' text-based view of your Html files, visual Web editing tools (e.g., Platypus Web Builder, Front Page, or Dreamweaver) can be added to the Tools menu, allowing you to switch between them and use the best of both worlds.

...add your own solutions to the Solutions tab

You can easily add your own solutions - please see the information on the Project pane.

...embed JavaScript code in Html documents

In the <HEAD> section of your Html file, enter the following:
function MyFunction()
Embedding the JavaScript functions in your Html documents is easy. However, if the same function is used in more than one Html file, we recommend storing the functions in .js files instead, for the following reasons: JavaScript functions stored in separate .js files

In the <HEAD> section of your Html file, enter the following:
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="myfunctions.js">
You can now call all the functions contained in MyFunctions.js. This approach has many advantages to embedded JavaScript code (see the discussion in the previous point).